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OEE for Operators: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (The Shopfloor Series)

出版社 Productivity Press Development Team
ページ数 188ページ

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Origin of OEE - OEE FoundationOEE Foundation
Origin of OEE. OEE was first described –as a central component of the TPM methodology- in Seiichi Nakajima’s book ‘TPM tenkai’ (1982, JIPM Tokyo).
Examining the Processes of RCM and TPM - Plant Maintenance
Examining the Processes of RCM and TPM What do they ultimately achieve and are the two approaches compatible?
Glossary of Lean Production Related Terms |
Extensive set of terms and definitions in relation to lean manufacturing. Includes both useful tools and (formerly) popular buzzwords, including sometimes an
TPM world class management - Macrolake
The final competition of any industry is management. The key of morden enterprise' high competitiveness is to make lean production, improve efficiency, assure quality ...

OEE for Operators: Overall Equipment Effectiveness (The Shopfloor Series)